Reset All Finder Settings to Default on Mac

The Finder is the home base for your Mac. The Finder icon looks like a blue smiling face; click the icon in the Dock to open a Finder window. You use Finder windows to organize and access almost everything on your Mac. Sometimes many things cause our finder settings to change, either intentionally or unintentionally in the process of working on a Mac.

Setup Multiple PHP Version on MacOS Using MacPorts

The MacPorts Project is an open-source community initiative to design an easy-to-use system for compiling, installing, and upgrading either command-line, X11 or Aqua based open-source software on the Mac operating system.

Setup Multiple PHP Version On MacOS With Brew

If you have many project in your laptop, and build with many php versions, you need different PHP Version to run or update your projects. This article will help you to setup multiple PHP version in your MacOS. Please follow below step.

Cara Memasang/Install Composer di MacOS

Composer adalah Dependency manager untuk PHP. Dependency jika diartikan dalam bahasa indonesia adalah ketergantungan. Ketergantungan yang dimaksud adalah jika program PHP yang kita bangun membutuhkan library dari luar.

Cara Upgrade PHP ke Versi 8.0 dengan Homebrew di Mac OS

Pada post kali ini kita akan mempraktekkan cara upgrade PHP dari Versi 7.4 ke Versi 8.0 dengan menggunakan package manager untuk MacOS Homebrew yang keren. MacOS yang digunakan sebagai ujicoba adalah Versi Catalina.